Subway Sketches METAPOST: Farewell, NYC

Originally uploaded by Iam2814sGL.
As anyone who has been reading this blog knows I am leaving today for a lengthy season of doing summer theatre in the mountains. Sadly that means no more subway sketches for a while. I'll miss this activity, but daily sketching has become an important part of my life at this point. So, I don't know what I'll be sketching, or what I'll be posting for you guys, but rest assured that there will be SOMETHING on these pages in the months to come.

I will miss NYC, and my beloved A train, but I'll be back soon.

4 Response to "Subway Sketches METAPOST: Farewell, NYC"

  • Anonymous Says:

    you can always sketch self-portraits :)
    have fun!

  • Cully Says:

    I am thinking you may get a lot of sketches of my staff building scenery and watercolors of landscapes... we'll see.

  • Kathleen Pequignot Says:

    Where is "in the mountains"? I grew up near West Point, a bit south of the Catskills. I love all your subway sketches. Can't wait to see what your country entries look like.

  • Cully Says:

    Sorry Kathleen, but I am keeping that pretty much a secret. I was being vague for a reason. There may come a time when I want to say something bad about my current employers and I don't want to be guilty of libel.