My Quest

Following the success of my green tomato canning experiment last fall I have decided that I can fulfill another of my needs by canning.

I've spoken here before about the generally horrible state of food here in the north, and my inability to find the basic consumables like self-rising cornmeal, etc. Two of the things that I enjoy I have yet to find a suitable source or substitute for is mayonnaise, (I mail-order Duke's, it's the only kind I can eat) and Chow Chow.

Chow Chow is one of those things that there are a MILLION recipes for (or around 2000 if Google is to be believed) and everyone's family does it differently. My mom has sent me several quarts of it from the area around her, some of which was okay, some of which wasn't. And I've purchased various ones on trips home, both commercial and not. I've yet to find the perfect brand. So my quest is on... I need a good Chow Chow recipe that I can produce and can for myself next year. This seems like as good a place as any to start. Does anyone have a recipe for me? (Mama and Max, I'm especially counting on you guys!) I'm looking for something that isn't too sweet, or too spicy, just good and tangy. Not very many peppers. I seem to remember my aunt Annie making it with green tomatoes, but I've had it with cabbage as well. I leave it up to you!

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