Why I Hate Books

Yesterday I spent the day doing one of my absolute favorite activities in the history of favorite activities: Carrying cardboard boxes full of books up stairs. >AH!< Smell the sarcasm?

I HATE moving. Every time I move I rant about how much I hate books, and how stupid I am to buy and own so damned many of them, and I usually spend a few months afterwards re-reading books I already own rather than buying anything new... but eventually I come back when they release a new Harry Potter or a new chapter in the Wheel of Time, and my book buying returns. When I moved to NYC I pared down my collection of books quite a bit, and I was pretty sure that I had gotten it down to the essentials, but as I began packing up for this move I made some deeper cuts. Those hard back copies of the Winnie The Pooh books that I bought years ago when I was in art school... GONE! Some books that I bought at dollar tables because they might have some research in them that I might use for a future show that I might design... GONE!

Those were the hardest. I am a research junky when it comes to my shows. I owned a book that chronicled the history of state fairs with tons of photos, on the off chance that I would ever be asked to design State Fair. Now, keep in mind that I HATE musicals, especially the "classic" musicals like State Fair. But I know that they are often a young designer's bread and butter (ask me what I'll be designing all summer... go ahead... ask...) and I know that there are lots of corn-fed mid-westerners and blue haired old ladies and show queens that LOVE these shows, and that sooner or later someone will do a revival of State Fair. Now, I'll admit... I am not even sure that they actually VISIT the state fair in the show... they may just talk about it the whole time... I have no idea having never read the show, or seen it. But there were some cool photos, and it only cost me a $1 at the time, so I picked it up.

Still, even with the cuts, and the reduction of books that I own I ended up with 10+ boxes of just books. Now, let's talk about the OTHER paper products that I own... files full of research, envelopes, random scraps of paper and cardboard and foam-core and balsa wood that I own for model building.... trees must hate me!

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