Trouble Ahead, Trouble Behind
I'm headed into a rough week, lots to do, both at the theatre, and on two different graphic design jobs that I had agreed to do before leaving the city. Both of the art directors for those projects are freaking out a little bit because I a have been out of touch. Most of the problem is due to the fact that I am in a technological backwater, but there is also the fact that I am just busy at the at the theatre, keep that to yourself though. I have a feeling that the next week or so is going to be rocky getting all of the work done. Thankfully I have some enforced downtime during the run of the shows. My character is only in act one, except for a VERY brief moment at the very end of the second act, so I have all of that time to sit and work on these projects. I have to get the work done though, because I made an agreement with myself that the fees from these projects will be going into savings, and hopefully a second trip to Japan sometime next year.
I'll get there... but I may not get any sleep along the way.
I'll get there... but I may not get any sleep along the way.
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