Three Down

As of 8 p.m. last night the third show of the season is open and playing to thunderous applause.... though I'm not sure why. This is by far the best selling show of the season so far, outstripping the previous show by huge percentages even though the previous show is smarter, funnier, sexier and better acted. The current show features a dozen small girls, (one of whom wears a curly red wig if you need a hint as to what the show might be) who run about the stage gleefully screeching songs. It's a fine show I suppose. The adults and most of the girls manage to act the show very well, the one purely adult number in the show is especially fun, and the design side looks great, (of course! but I mainly meant that the costumes were good, not just my stuff) I just don't understand why the show is so damned popular. I'd be willing to chalk it up to the relatives of the various girls buying out the house, except that every year about this time the theatre runs a survey in the programs asking the patrons to choose from a list of potential shows for next season. The winners so far this year: Cats, Funny Girl, and Oklahoma. Times like this really make me question why I do this job. Oklahoma at least has some sentimental value and a bit of charm, but the other two? Ugh. ESPECIALLY Cats. No one will ever successfully explain to me why that show is so stinking popular.

Tomorrow I start work on number 4, which is a unit set, (meaning that there are no set changes or big scenic shifts) so I estimate that it will be built by Monday, a full week ahead of schedule. That's good actually because it means that I can go into the next show with some spare time because it is the bear of the season. I'll need all the spare time I can muster to get it done I believe.

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