Hansel & Gretel
It's been quite a few months since I've done any work that wasn't my "day job." This weekend though I started the load in of a production of Hansel & Gretel at a children's theatre that I've worked for in the past. They've actually been quite good to me and this will be the fifth season that I have worked for them. Arranging time to props shop, and do set work has been challenging with a full time job eating up most of my days but i think I've managed pretty well. This week will be the real test. I am at the theatre tonight sewing the 30 yards of "superflage" camouflage into the curtain panels that will cover the witch's house during the forest scenes, etc. Later this week I'll be making giant candy canes and lollipops and all of that sort of thing. I've figured out that quart sized deli containers look a lot like gum drops when they are covered in glitter, and that fairly convincing icing is no further away than a can of Great Stuff. I'm even recycling the paper tube trees that I used in this theatre once before. It's fun to be back in the thick of it again though, and not just drawing pictures of it like I have been for the past few months.
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