Playtime's Over

Tonight begins the true meat of the season. The first show opens on Tuesday, so the next few days is going to be lots of work. Tomorrow is load-in, which for this show is pretty minimal since the set has been built onstage. That will be different in the coming weeks when shows are already running and the set is being built elsewhere. Monday is tech, which is the day devoted to the rehearsal of the technical aspects of the show, costumes, sound, lighting, set movement etc. So everything has to be finished in the next two days. The set is basically done, except for the painting, which unfortunately is pretty much up to me. There are no other scenic painters on the crew. I expected that, but it is still a shock to the system to know that the last few things have been base painted and that I just sent the crew to bed so that I could continue to work without the distraction of having to show them things and supervise them. There's lots to be done. At the moment I am waiting for the base of the floor to dry so that I can get back to work.

The set looks pretty amazing. I can't believe the transformation from the photo that I posted a few days ago. The production values that my technical director and I are instilling on these productions is quite a bit higher than what we have witnessed from the scenery that has been left behind. It should be a really good season. (And yes, I'll post a new photograph later).

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