Subway Sketches Part XXVI

Originally uploaded by Iam2814sGL.
This guy fascinated me. He was so skinny and slight, but had an enormous turban bundling up his hair. I did the frontal view on the platform at 42nd street. I had to follow him around a bit since he was a "pacer" but I just HAD to get the sketch done. Then I made sure I got onto the same car with him so that I could get a side view, because I felt like you couldn't get a good idea of his turban from the front. It felt like stalker behavior, but I'm sure he never noticed, the train was pretty crowded and he was distracted by something, I could see it in his eyes.

4 Response to "Subway Sketches Part XXVI"

  • Anonymous Says:

    it's probably wrong of me to want to draw a goldfish in there, right?

  • Terri Says:

    Great character, great sketches! You give NY a series of faces for me here on the other side of the world. It's not just a place I hear about on tv.

  • Cully Says:

    Personally, I was thinking he looked like an Alien in disguise. Under that turban is his big over sized skull.

  • Jim Bumgarner Says:

    Were his lips really that fat? I really like your drawings and I'm thinking about stealing your style. WElcome to EDMG, it's a great group and you'll be amazed at how many hits you start getting on your stuff.