For Vinnie

I don't think that I've mentioned it here but my friend Vinnie is currently appearing on the Travel Channel on a show called 5 Takes. It is a reality show, but only in the sense that the stars are 5 ordinary people who have been sent off to explore a region of the world as "Travel Journalists" and report back for the show. Vinnie and crew are seeing the sights of Latin America, and it has been a hoot to watch him. He put the call out on the message boards for the show that he wanted an image for a tattoo to commemorate the trip, something unique to the region he is travelling in, and related to his experience. After some research I found a hieroglyph of a Mayan god, Xaman Ek. He is the god of the North Star and aid to travellers and sailors, so I thought it would be perfect. Vinnie agreed and asked if I could clean up the smallish online image that I had found. Here you have the result. I played with her a bit, simplifying some of the armor and clothing, and changing the weird Mickey Mouse that was on her head, (I'm not kidding, check the link) to a bird, which is what it was supposed to be anyway. I also combined her profile from another image. So... hope you like it Vin! I'm loving the show and can't wait for you to get home.

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