February 12 of 12

The 12th of the month means it is time for Chad Darnell's 12 of 12! Let's go...

Pick a shirt... any shirt.

Work... well... SOME work... not really the work I was being paid for... well, not paid by my boss... anyway... move along! Nothing to see here!

Leftover Lunch! Succotash pudding and a small salad.

My Moo cards arrived today! I keep a few of these tucked into the pocket of my Moleskine sketchbook so that when people are looking over my shoulder on the subway I can direct them to the collection.

More "work." I needed a bit of fabric for the show I'm costuming so I ran around the corner to a local fabric store.

On the way home. Some pretty angles.

It's gourmet coffee I guess... and you can pay for that sandwhich with money from the ATM.

The window of the Ruben Museum, which I pass nearly every day.

The beginnings of dinner, a delicious mushroom stroganoff. I got these pretty assorted mushrooms from the Asian market over the weekend.

My accumulating shopping list... so far this week I need salt and chamomile. (It's been a slow week.)

Taking a few minutes to catch up on Lost. I REALLY hope Locke fixed things, the time flashes are already beginning to grate.

A little more work to do before bed. Its a busy couple weeks.

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