Snow Day!
You see that little area just to the right of her hand? That's Manhattan. Turns out that we were more in the 10"+ range though and we have been fairly buried. We had the first school closings in 5 years, which of course meant nothing to me but meant that Kid Flash got to sit at home tonight and do homework instead of sitting through a lecture course at the school. A free day to play catch-up never hurt anyone.
New York City can be fun in the snow if you can take advantage of it. The parks department was loaning out sleds and giving away hot chocolate in Central Park, and just watching it can be beautiful of course. I on the other hand got to go to work like normal, and what little time I did spend outside was rushing between places trying to get a few last minute pieces for the weekday cast of the show I just opened. (Two casts, two sets of costumes, two headaches.) My love/hate relationship with snow is well established, and this time is no different. I love it for about an hour until it gets driven through and turned slushy and grey and yucky. As far as I am concerned, being taught by decades of living in the south, when white things start falling from the sky you buy a ton of bread and milk and lock yourself inside until it goes away. 2" or 2', it doesn't matter, that stuff is death! I really think that is the way it SHOULD be handled.
I live in the North of England, we don't usually get too much snow. When we do (usually in 2 - 4" range) everything grinds to a halt. As I'm typing this, theres a light snow shower here but it'll be gone in about 30mins. I quite like snow which is probably because I rarely see it. My wife & I were in Manhattan over Easter weekend last year, it was about 4 deg C, no snow though. Maybe I was 3 weeks too late...