Commencing Countdown... T - 7

Tomorrow begins the first day of my last week in the city. Well... for three months anyway. I have a million things to do, sets to design and draft, there are still a few lingering boxes that need to be unpacked, I need to PACK to go away, artwork to do for freelance projects, finishing up the temp work I've been doing... GAH! Of course all I can think about is the things I am going to miss while I'm gone. Will I be able to come home for Pride? Will I be able to get decent food? I am going to seriously miss access to Japanese groceries, and Whole Foods, and the Poseidon Bakery. I'll have to drive again, which I haven't done in a year. I'll have to re-adjust to crickets and cicadas as my nighttime sounds rather than car alarms and sirens. Making the adjustment back to ordering materials, and waiting for deliveries instead of running down to Rose Brand, or Pearl. And as I've previously mentioned the troubles of cell service and net access. This is going to be QUITE the summer adventure.

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