
Everyone makes resolutions at New Years, but I have always made resolutions for myself at the beginning of each semester. Now that I'm out of school and don't have those convenient calendar dates to mark new beginnings it is harder, but leaving here and returning to NYC certainly counts as a new beginning. So, for your perusal, my personal resolutions for this next phase of my life:

Professional Resolutions

1) Begin branching out to regional theatres outside of NYC, where I'll be more likely to get larger shows.
2) Break into theatres in NYC where I am not responsible for building my shows myself.
3) Join, (or at least seriously consider joining) the union.

Personal Resolutions
1) Begin oil painting again.
2) Attend figure drawing sessions, either the alumni ones at SVA, or at the Gay Community Center.
3) Continue the exercise routine that I've begun while I was here.

4 Response to "Resolutions"

  • Anonymous Says:

    Let me know when you go to the figure drawing...I would like to go with you.

  • Anonymous Says:

    exercise???! who the hell are you and what have you done with my friend? as for the union you have any statistics showing how many designers are in the union, as compared to those who aren't with info showing where they get jobs and how much they work in the ny area? i'd be interested to see.

  • Anonymous Says:

    I will still do the drawing classs if it is at the center...let me know.

  • Anonymous Says:

    #5 Fix up your van :) The wasps are taking over.