An Open Letter to American Idol Voters

Dear America,
Are you serious? I know that Ryan says every week that you can't bitch if you don't vote, and I didn't vote but I'm going to bitch anyway. I forgave you for the fiasco of a final vote last year when you chose Carrie over Bo. Mainly because Bo would be better off without the win around his neck.

But I thought we had an understanding about this year's final four. As far as I was concerned it was "Chris Daughtry and the losers." You clearly had another understanding. Katherine? She seriously should have gone out three weeks ago, right after Ace. Yes, as I get reminded every week, by someone who will remain nameless, she has "great tits" but there has to be some other criteria for this contest doesn't there? If she wins she'll be an even weaker winner than Carrie Underwood. Taylor? I've been wondering what the hell was going on with this doofus for weeks now. Really. The only reason I'd buy an album from this guy was because it would mean that I wouldn't have to look at him as he performs. I'd rather see Kevin Covais in the final three than this jackass. He's bad America. Bad. Bad! BAD! His novelty act should have worn off by now. Stick him in a time machine and send him back to the Borscht Belt performers where he belongs. Elliot? Well... Elliot I don't mind so much. He would have made a great runner up for Chris.

Look... Yes, he has had some weak songs. Yes, he should have given Live! credit for the Johnny Cash thing. But he should also have been the winner of this year. What's going on America? Have you lost your ability to pick winners? First it was President Bush and then things just sort of went to hell everywhere. I thought at least I could trust you with this responsibility, even if you do get the politics wrong.


Next year I stop watching after the auditions. I can't take the heartbreak.

2 Response to "An Open Letter to American Idol Voters"

  • Anonymous Says:

    Damn. You managed to work the president into a rant about american idol? While i agree the public picked a big fuckin loser for office, i can't even watch the disaster that is American Idol. For the simple reason I really don't need to. I mean i turn on the news, real news like cnn, and they give an idol breakdown. It's tragic that this crap has permeated society to the point it is "news". I must agree with comedian Daniel Tosh and expand a little..." President Bush ( and American Idol contestants) are the reason you don't tell retarded children they be anything they want when they grow up." Dude, watch something else. Or at least explain to me the addiction of crappy reality television.

  • Cully Says:

    Oh... it IS an addiction. It is. The first step is admitting that you have a problem right?

    My love for reality TV is deep and varied. I draw the line at the "find me a husband/wife" type reality TV... but that's just about it.