Another Degree Closer

From Vinnie in my comments regarding the 9 to 5 musical: "My friend Lisa is in the show. In fact, she is meeting Miss Dolly today, right now probably as I'm typing this."

Do you realize what this means? I am two degrees closer to Dolly Parton!! Previously I was 4 degrees from Dolly. Now I am just 2!

Me-->Vinnie Costa
Vinnie--> Lisa
Lisa--> Dolly

2! Two! TWO!!!1! Two degrees!

3 Response to "Another Degree Closer"

  • Anonymous Says:

    Glad I could help, maybe I can get you closer...

  • Anonymous Says:

    why don't you just make friends with Lisa and then you can be one? Is this Lisa Howard by the way? Cause I don't think someone you stalk counts as a friend :)

  • Dingle Says:

    My good friend TIm is stage managing for that show. He also has met Miss Dolly. That means that you have two connections to her.