Happy Friday

Like a lot of former Savannah residents, especially those of us who worked in customer service, I have a long standing tradition when it comes to St. Patty's Day: ignoring it completely. Savannah goes crazy on St. Patrick's Day, suddenly serving up debauchery on par with Mardi Gras. When I lived there I did everything I could to be out of town on this holiday. There really wasn't any other way to avoid it. The problem was compounded by the fact that I worked in a hotel when I lived there. It only took one incidence of having to scrub out an ice machine after someone urinated in it for me to know that I never wanted to experience St. Patrick's Day for myself.

I went out last year for a drink with Snowy, the guy I was dating at the time, and was treated to a display of corned beef and cabbage... partially digested corned beef and cabbage... all over a subway seat. It was all I needed to see to let me know that the holiday was no better here than there. So the boycott continues.

Instead I spent the day at work on various projects, and doing a bit of spring cleaning around my room, a little laundry here, a little rearranging there. Much more productive than Guinness and blood sausage in a downtown bar, huh?

4 Response to "Happy Friday"

  • Jessica Says:

    Hello Cully,

    I'm not sure how to get in touch with you but I'd like to touch base with you about the possibility of you doing a show with the gallery I am a curator for in Houston, TX. If you would be interested, shoot me an e-mail. Thanks!


  • Dianne Says:

    The Channel 13 news included a segment of partying in Savannah last night. They claim to be the second largest St. Pat's party in the nation, outdone by only...NY maybe? I'm glad we never visited during that time. Biker's week in Myrtle Beach was more than I could take and I was staying in Surfside. Way too many people for me.
    They're rebuilding the log cabin of the founder of the city across the river. It's probably just a matter of time before they latch onto the idea of a street party to go along.

  • G-Man Says:

    Hope you had a great st. patty's day! :)

  • Anonymous Says:

    st. patty's day in savannah...beaten only by the following 2 questions; 1) can you tell me where i can find forrest gump's bench and 2) isn't this where that garden of good and evil took place?