The Move

Well, The Move, (yes it's capitalized) now has an offical date: June 19th. At 9am two men and a truck are showing up at my apartment and whisking all my worldly goods uptown. I've never used movers before, I've always just carried my own stuff, but Kid Flash's apt is a 5th floor walk-up, (for starters) and I just didn't see myself handling that very well. So I hired someone.

The process was pretty painless, I got recommendations from friends, and made some contacts over the web. The place I am using had a simple questionnaire online that I filled out. The addresses of the two places, how many flights of stairs, and approximation of what is being moved, etc. I filled that out and received a prompt reply asking me to clarify some things, like "How big is your TV?" "Will there be plants or mirrors?" "You say you have a drafting table, what are the dimensions of the top?" I answered and received another round of follow-ups. After about 5 turns at that we were both satisfied that the other understood the full extent of the move, what was to be moved, how it was to be boxed up (nothing over 35lbs) etc. etc. All the back and forth actually made me feel really secure. (I just hope I estimated my number of boxes correctly!) In the end, my quote was about half of what I was expecting, and what I had budgeted: $260. Not bad at all, huh? Of course I am not moving any really large furniture, I'm selling my bed, loaning my kitchen table to Mark for a while, leaving behind the sofa, most of what I'm taking consists of books and clothes and art supplies.

It is beginning to feel more real though. The cat is there, soon enough my things will be too.

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