ExFiles: Casefile 011

File: 011
Category: Dating, March 1999, June 1999
Met: Internet
"L" Word: No
Age Differential: He-27, Me-27
Reason for Break-up: Disagreeance on status of relationship

History: Ex011 was the first boy I dated in the internet age. We met online, in an AOL chatroom and discovered that we lived just a few blocks from each other. We dated for a significant amount of time but I never developed feelings for him beyond what you would expect from a casual dating situation. Even though I wouldn't have dated anyone else anyway I always demurred a bit when he discussed being "exclusive" and tried to avoid the topic as much as I could. When I finally started seeing signs that he was on the verge of really wanting a true commitment out of the relationship I backed away and we stopped seeing each other. This was perhaps the break-up that was handled the worst from my side of the table, and at times I have regretted the way things ended. I probably should have been more up front from the beginning.

Current Status: Unknown. Sad truth is that I only remember his final initial, not his full last name so I can't search for him efficiently on the web.

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